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Is Hi CRI Better for Growing Plants? A Comprehensive Look at the Pros and Cons

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Is Hi CRI Better for Growing Plants? A Comprehensive Look at the Pros and Cons


As the popularity of indoor gardening continues to grow, so does the demand for artificial lighting solutions that can mimic the benefits of natural sunlight. One such solution is the use of high CRI (Colour Rendering Index) LEDs. Hi CRI LEDs have a colour rendering index of 90 or higher, which means they can produce light that closely resembles natural sunlight. LEDs with a CRI of 95 or 98 are even higher on the scale and are considered “ultra-high CRI.” These LEDs can provide an even closer approximation of natural sunlight than hi CRI LEDs with a lower CRI.

But is HI CRI better for growing plants? In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using hi CRI LEDs for plant growth. We will examine their efficacy, compare them to natural sunlight, and consider their nutrient requirements under normal vs HI CRI lighting.


Hi CRI LEDs: Pros and Cons


  • Hi CRI LEDs can provide a more natural and pleasing light for indoor gardening, which can enhance plant growth and yield.

  • They have a broader spectrum of light, which means they can provide a wider range of wavelengths that plants need for photosynthesis.

  • Hi CRI LEDs have a higher efficiency than traditional fluorescent lights, which means they can produce more light per watt of electricity.

  • They have a longer lifespan than traditional fluorescent lights, which means they can last for years without needing to be replaced.


  • Hi CRI LEDs are more expensive than traditional fluorescent lights, which can be a deterrent for some indoor gardeners.

  • While it’s true that hi CRI LEDs may generate some heat, it’s usually at a much lower level than traditional fluorescent lights. This is because hi CRI LEDs are more energy-efficient and produce less waste heat per watt of electricity consumed. In fact, one of the advantages of using hi CRI LEDs for indoor gardening is that they can produce less heat than other types of artificial lighting. This can be beneficial for plants that are sensitive to high temperatures, such as some herbs and leafy greens. so, a CON but really a PRO

  • Hi CRI LEDs may not be as effective as natural sunlight, which means they may not provide all the wavelengths and intensity levels that plants need for optimal growth.

  • They may require additional nutrients to compensate for the different light spectrum, which can increase the cost of indoor gardening.

Efficacy of Hi CRI LEDs

Hi CRI LEDs can be an effective lighting solution for indoor gardening, but their efficacy depends on several factors, including the plant species, growth stage, and light intensity. Some plants may require specific wavelengths of light to grow, while others may be more tolerant of a wider range of light spectra.

A study conducted by the University of Florida found that hi CRI LEDs can be effective for growing lettuce and basil. The study found that hi CRI LEDs produced higher biomass and yield than traditional fluorescent lights. Another study by the University of Arkansas found that hi CRI LEDs can be effective for growing strawberries. The study found that hi CRI LEDs produced higher fruit yield and quality than traditional fluorescent lights.

However, it’s important to note that not all plants will respond the same way to hi CRI LEDs. Some plants may require more intense light or specific wavelengths of light to grow optimally. It’s also important to consider the growth stage of the plant, as different stages may require different light spectra.

Natural Sunlight vs Hi CRI LEDs

While hi CRI LEDs can mimic the benefits of natural sunlight, they may not be as effective as natural sunlight for plant growth. Natural sunlight provides a wider range of wavelengths and intensity levels that plants need for photosynthesis. It also provides natural variations in light intensity and colour temperature, which can be beneficial for plant growth.

A study conducted by the University of Arizona found that natural sunlight produced higher yields and better-quality fruit than hi CRI LEDs for tomato plants. The study found that natural sunlight provided a wider range of light spectra and intensity levels, which allowed the plants to grow more vigorously.

However, natural sunlight is not always available or practical for indoor gardening. In these cases, hi CRI LEDs can be a suitable alternative that can provide a more natural and pleasing light for plant growth. The seasonal nature of growing, shorter photoperiods and temperatures in Winter make replacement of the sun with Sun like Lighting compelling.

Nutrient Requirements for Plants under Normal vs Hi CRI

The spectrum of light that plants receive can affect their nutrient requirements. Hi CRI LEDs produce a broader spectrum of light than traditional fluorescent lights, which means they may require different nutrient ratios for optimal growth.

A study conducted by the University of Helsinki found that tomato plants grown under hi CRI LEDs had a higher demand for calcium than those grown under traditional fluorescent lights. The study found that the broader spectrum of light produced by hi CRI LEDs stimulated the plants to take up more calcium, which improved their fruit quality.

It’s important to note that the nutrient requirements of plants may vary depending on the species, growth stage, and environmental conditions. Indoor gardeners should monitor their plants’ nutrient uptake and adjust their fertiliser regimen accordingly.


Q: Can hi CRI LEDs be used for all plant species? A: Hi CRI LEDs can be effective for many plant species, but their efficacy may vary depending on the species, growth stage, and light intensity.

Q: Are hi CRI LEDs more expensive than traditional fluorescent lights? A: Yes, hi CRI LEDs are generally more expensive than traditional fluorescent lights.

Q: Do hi CRI LEDs require special nutrient requirements for plants? A: The broader spectrum of light produced by hi CRI LEDs may require different nutrient ratios for optimal plant growth.

Q: Hi CRI LEDs may not be as effective as natural sunlight, which means they may not provide all the wavelengths and intensity levels that plants need for optimal growth. A: Natural sunlight provides a full spectrum of light that includes all the colours of the rainbow, from ultraviolet to infrared. This spectrum includes both visible light and non-visible wavelengths, such as UV-A and UV-B, that are essential for plant growth and development. Natural sunlight also varies in intensity throughout the day and throughout the seasons, which can trigger specific plant responses, such as flowering and fruiting. In contrast, hi CRI LEDs produce a spectrum of light that is tailored to mimic natural sunlight but may not include all the wavelengths and intensity levels that plants need for optimal growth. Some wavelengths of light are more important than others for certain plant functions, such as photosynthesis and flowering, and hi CRI LEDs may not provide enough of these wavelengths to support optimal growth. For example, blue and red wavelengths are essential for photosynthesis, while far-red wavelengths can trigger flowering and other developmental processes. If hi CRI LEDs do not provide enough of these wavelengths or if the intensity levels are not balanced properly, plants may not grow as well as they would under natural sunlight. Furthermore, the spectrum of light produced by hi CRI LEDs can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product. Indoor gardeners should choose hi CRI LEDs that are specifically designed for plant growth and monitor their plants’ response to the light to ensure optimal growth.


In conclusion, HI CRI LEDs can be an effective lighting solution for indoor gardening, but their efficacy depends on several factors. They can provide a more natural and pleasing light for plant growth and have a broader spectrum of light than traditional fluorescent lights. However, they may not be as effective as natural sunlight and may require different nutrient ratios for optimal growth.

Indoor gardeners should consider their specific needs and preferences when deciding on a lighting solution. They should also monitor their plants’ nutrient uptake and adjust their fertilizer regimen accordingly. With the right lighting and nutrient regimen, indoor gardeners can enjoy healthy and productive plants year-round.

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